With our signature sneaker, available in classic black and pristine white, and interchangeable lace faces, your child can transform their style in seconds.

How it all started...
We created this brand to allow creativity to be explored, imaginations to be displayed and ultimately the overspending of multiple shoes to come to an end.
As a mother, I had to give away most of my children's shoes before they had the chance to wear them more than 3 times within a 3 month period!
My children had multiple shoes based on the outfit they were wearing – we parents are guilty of this.
So I thought, why not create a shoe that will allow children to explore, create and insert their personality into their fashion while saving the pockets of parents?
Hence the birth of QUIK TRENZ… the fun, self-expressed and creative shoe brand for ALL KIDS… where you can JUST BE YOU!
We're excited to share our customizable kids' sneakers with changeable facings with you!
POLKA DOT - WF Blue and White
ZEBRA PRINT - WF White and Black